
Luther on Sin and the Flood: Commentary on Genesis is unavailable, but you can change that!

Volume two of Luther’s commentary on Genesis covers chapters four to nine. The subjects discussed include Abel’s murder; Cain’s punishment and descendants; Seth and his descendants; the world’s wickedness; Noah, the ark, and the flood; the Noahic covenant and its symbol of the rainbow; and the blessing of Shem and Japheth and cursing of Ham.

pride and self-glorification immediately follow envy and hatred of his brother, whom he sees preferred to himself by an unmistakable sign from heaven. Upon this envy and hatred follow hypocrisy and lying. Though he designs to murder his brother, he accosts him in a friendly manner and thereby throws him off his guard. Hypocrisy is followed by murder. Murder is followed by the excusing of his sin. And the last stage is despair, which is the fall from heaven to hell. 125. Although Adam and Eve in paradise
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